In this presentation, we will review the requirements for generators accumulating hazardous waste onsite. This includes the rules for satellite accumulation, laboratory accumulation, and 90- and 180-day accumulation. We will highlight changes to the accumulation rules with the adoption of the GIR and touch on other new requirements in the Title 22 hazardous waste regulations.
EPA promulgated the hazardous waste generator improvements rule (GIR) in 2016, in part to make it easier for different types of generators to find the requirements with which they must comply. The rule reorganized the hazardous waste regulations and made significant changes to the requirements for generators accumulating hazardous waste onsite. In 2024, DTSC adopted the mandatory portions of the GIR (i.e., regulations that were more stringent than Californias regulations. The Department also reorganized Californias regulations to align with the federal reorganization. The newly adopted regulations went into effect on July 1, 2024.
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