The California CUPA Forum monitors legislative bills and activities that may impact the Unified Program or the local agencies responsible for implementing and administering these and related programs.
We all want a clean and safe environment. CalCUPA is committed to helping provide evidence-based research to support legislative action and help achieve positive results for our environment.
The UPAAG maintains a Legislative Steering Committee to provide the UPAAG and CUPA Forum Members with information concerning proposed and current bills. This Steering Committee, to the extent possible, provides an avenue for the State agencies and the CUPA Forum to communicate and coordinate legislation. However, the CUPA Forum is careful to maintain neutrality and does not take positions supporting or opposing proposed legislation. Our role is to suggest the most effective bill language and amendments. These are discussed at the fall offsite meeting in order for us to make recommendations to our partners at CCDEH and Cal-Chiefs for subsequent legislation.
If a particular bill is of interest to you or if you have a strong position regarding specific bills, CCDEH and Cal-Chiefs are the organizations representing local agencies that are actively involved in lobbying for and against bills. Please contact the Legislative Issue Coordinator.