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THE 27TH ANNUAL TRAINING CONFERENCE WILL BE HELD IN person conference to be held March 24-27, 2025 at the Marriott, Anaheim, Orange County.

For Conference information and registration, please visit the conference homepage at

If you already have a CUPA Training account you can re-use it each year. If you do not currently have a CUPA Training account, create one today so that you can receive announcements.

Posted: 2017-03-06 10:34:28

Issue Coordinators ensure that program area issues (e.g. HMBP) are identified and evaluated. Often Issue Coordinators notify TAG Chairs of issues requiring technical solutions from the workgroups, issue response, or notification to UPAs/PAs.

Technical Advisory Group Chairs work with regional TAG representatives to coordinate TAG efforts on technical issues and disseminate information to UPAs/Pas. They will also gather program area information for the Issue Coordinator and the CUPA Forum.

Posted: 2016-12-08 20:03:30

The Unified Program is the consolidation of six state environmental programs into one program under the authority of a Certified Unified Program Agency. These can be a county, city or JPA (Joint Powers Authority). This program was established under the amendments to the California Health and Safety Code made by SB 1082 in 1994.

Posted: 2016-12-08 20:01:27

A PA, or Participating Agency, is a local agency that has been designated by the local CUPA to administer one or more Unified Programs within their jurisdiction on behalf of the CUPA.

Posted: 2016-12-08 20:01:27

You must be a member of a Unified Program related agency, such as a CUPA or Participating Agency.

Posted: 2016-12-08 19:59:12

Hazardous Materials Business Plan
Hazardous Waste/Tiered Permitting
Underground Storage Tanks
Aboveground Storage Tanks (SPCC only)
California Accidental Release Program
Uniform Fire Code Hazardous Materials Management Plan

Posted: 2016-12-08 19:59:12

If you would like to participate on any of the Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs), or Workgroups, or in the annual Conference, go to Technical Issues section of the website and click on the subject you are interested in. You will find contact names for each Technical issue.

If you would like to participate as a Board member contact any of the executive staff on the Board. They can give you specific information about participating on the Board.

Posted: 2016-12-08 19:56:40

The California CUPA Forum was formed to provide a single statewide organization consolidating Unified Program implementation efforts and representing all unified program agencies with a single voice. Cal-CUPA Forum strives to achieve consistency, consolidation, and coordination in the implementation of the Unified Program in an efficient and effective manner.

Posted: 2016-12-08 19:56:40