Participants will learn about organizational changes within DTSC and new procedures and guidance for the cleanup process
DTSC Office of Brownfields and Site Mitigation will provide updates that will help the regulated community navigate our process and will help Local Agency staff stay consistent with DTSC. We will cover changes to our organization, updates to EnviroStor, trends and trouble spots in case management, and vapor intrusion updates
Since we will be using our "My Itinerary" process for the 2025 Conference for Attendees to Earn CEUs, please create your Itinerary by going to the online agenda and clicking on the "+Add" button on the right of the page to Add Sessions you plan to attend to your "My Itinerary". To View/Edit your Itinerary for Session Attendance, visit your My Itinerary. We will provide further information on how to 'check in/out' of a Session to verify your attendance. If you have any questions, please email