Attendees will learn the roles and responsibilities of UST personnel under the new UST Regulations that become effective January 1, 2026.
This course will provide a practical review of how the changes made to the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Regulations will impact different UST personnel when the regulations become effective January 1, 2026. Topics covered will include changes in responsibilities and processes for UST inspectors, Regional Water Quality Control Boards, designated UST operators, service technicians, UST installers, owners and operators.
Since we will be using our "My Itinerary" process for the 2025 Conference for Attendees to Earn CEUs, please create your Itinerary by going to the online agenda and clicking on the "+Add" button on the right of the page to Add Sessions you plan to attend to your "My Itinerary". To View/Edit your Itinerary for Session Attendance, visit your My Itinerary. We will provide further information on how to 'check in/out' of a Session to verify your attendance. If you have any questions, please email