CUPA-2021 Moderator Information

Moderator Information (Updated 2021-02-05)

Since we are having our 1st ever virtual annual conference, there are some new requirements this year. We currently have almost 200 speakers, so there is a lot to coordinate with each of you.

Quick Links in Priority Order:

  1. Speaker PowerPoint Template -
  2. ProAV Dropbox to upload your completed PowerPoint Presentation (2 weeks prior to your presentation) -
  3. Uploading a Pre-Recorded PresentationIf you want to pre-record your presentation, please upload your finished MP4 file to the same ProAV dropbox as we are uploading presentations and make sure you name it properly, per 3A below with "video" in your title -
  4. link to upload a PDF of your Presentation (2 weeks prior to your presentation) -
  5. Poll Questions - Upload your questions/answer to our Dropbox Poll Questions folder at least 1 week ahead of your Session. Please also include your Session Number, Session Name and Your Name (B-2/2 for example) in the document title
  6. Review Speaker Training PPT -
  7. Review YouTube Speaker Training Video (includes a demo of how we will be running polls by embedding them for you in your presentation if you are on the Pro AV program/Zoom polls will be run in Zoom) -


The Basics

  1. Here is your link to a Speaker Survey that we need you to complete ASAP.  This is where we will gather crucial information about EACH of your presentations or your one presentation, such as:
    1. Do you want to present your Session LIVE, PRE-RECORDED or HYBRID (a little of both)?
    2. Do you plan to include any online videos (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.) outside of your presentation?  If they are going to be embedded in your PowerPoint presentation, you can answer NO to this question.  If they will need to be accessed via YouTube, Vimeo, etc., please answer Yes and provide the website video URLs.
    3. Do you want to Include any Polls?  If Yes...see #5 below
    4. Who will be your Session moderator?  This is the person who will feed you Q&A from the chat.  Ideally this is an individual with some knowledge of your topic and with whom you have a good rapport.  If you have someone, please provide their name and email address as we will need to provide them some training in advance of your Session.  If you don’t have anyone, please answer No to this question and we’ll provide one for you.

      PLEASE RESPOND TO THIS SURVEY as soon as possible to help us plan.

  2. You will need to finalize your PowerPoint presentation at least TWO weeks in advance of your presentation and upload it in two different locations in two different formats.  Here are the instructions for naming and uploading your presentation:
    1. You will also need to use YOUR UNIQUE Conference Session PowerPoint Template/Title Slide/Break Slide (if applicable)/Q&A Slide/Final Slide that will be emailed to each presenter for your presentation.  Here is a Sample of what the UPDATED TEMPLATE looks like that we will be emailing you (NOTE:  It is a 16:9 format). DOWNLOAD SAMPLE HERE

    2. It is important that you name your presentation with the following format – Presentation Code (your session code located on the agenda), Session Title (CALARP-201), Speaker Order (if applicable...1, 2, 3, etc.) and Last Name.  NOTE:  The Session Code is B-2/2, however we cannot use a "/" in a file name, so we are substituting a "-".  EXAMPLE:  B-2-2-HAZARDOUS WASTE 101-5-Snellings

    3. Then, at least two weeks before your presentation, you will upload it in our Presenters Dropbox account in a PowerPoint format at (make sure to have it named properly in 1B above).  Do not convert to pdf before placing in this location, upload it as a PPT or PPTX.

    4. 2021-01-23 UPDATE:  If you want to pre-record your presentation, please upload your finished MP4 file to the same ProAV dropbox as we are uploading presentations and make sure you name it properly, per 3A above with "video" in your title -

    5. Next, you will convert your PPT presentation into a PDF format (make sure to have it named properly in 1B above) and upload it on our website at  (you must be logged in with your speaker account).  The “Access Type” should be remain as “Public” unless there is some legal reason to make your presentation “Restricted”; in which case you will inform your attendees during your presentation of the access password.  You will be provided the password during in future emails and before your Session in the Green Room/Meeting Room.

  3. We will be using a variety of video streaming services depending on your Session.  Don’t worry about the platform, just focus on preparing your PowerPoint presentation If you would like to include any videos, polling, or other form of attendee participation, please let us know in the Speaker Survey (see number 3 above) and we will work with you directly on what is needed.  Unless you tell us otherwise, you will be giving your presentation live and uninterrupted, with questions at the end.  Because of the platform(s), you will need a moderator to feed you questions presented in the chat.  There is not the ability to unmute the audience, and as a presenter, you will not be able to see the chat.
  4. Attendees will access your presentation through the Virtual Conference Platform, eventPower or for some speakers, via Zoom Meeting/Webinar.  Only registered attendees will have access to your live presentation and if your Session has been flagged as “Government Regulators Only”, it will only be accessible to Regulatory Government attendees.  More information will follow on how to access the eventPower conference site.

  5. Polls (updated 2021-02-05): We really want the presentations to engage with our attendees. One of the ways to do this is to incorporate polls into your presentation. If LIVE, it can be part of your presentation with the assistance of our team OR if you PRE-RECORD your Session, we can do polls at the beginning or at the end of your presentation.

    Here is the process for coordinating Poll Questions with your CUPA Tech Team:

    1. If you want us to set up your polling for your presentation, please upload your questions/answer to our Dropbox Poll Questions folder at least 1 week ahead of your Session. Please also include your Session Number, Session Name and Your Name (B-2/2 for example) in the document title.
    2. When developing your PowerPoint, please use a Placeholder slide with the Slide Title of Poll Question 1, 2, 3 so that we make sure to put the Polls in the correct order.  To provide a nice flow of your presentation with a Poll Question, you should also put the question and answer options (if applicable) on this Placeholder slide.  To streamline your presentation, we will replace your "placeholder slide" with the "Live Poll slide".  
    3. Make sure to include the correct answer as well if they are multiple choice answers if appropriate
    4. You can use multiple choice questions, open ended questions, ranking questions (1-10 scale) or wordclouds.  Our webmaster will coordinate your Poll with you directly to make sure it is set up correctly.
    5. As demonstrated at our training on 1/19/2021, the Poll Questions will be embedded in your PowerPoint using the Slido plugin by your Tech Team/us.  We will run the live Poll for you during the meeting and the results will display in your PPT presentation, so you will be able to see them and discuss the results.

  6. The audience will be using the Q&A functions of the video streaming platforms to ask questions.  The moderator will feed the questions to you at the appropriate time in your Session, usually at the end of your presentation.  Please make sure to leave at least 5 minutes for questions at the end.  Because we are running Sessions back-to-back, each Session will be held to its specified ending time, so the next Session can start on-time.  If there are more questions than can be answered during the allotted Q&A, with the assistance of your Tech Team, we can quickly arrange for a follow up Zoom meeting.  We would provide the link to the follow up Zoom meeting in the chat prior to the end of the Session.  Each presenter is requested to provide a couple of questions to the moderator in case no audience questions are offered.  This will be finalized prior to the start of your Session.

  7. A day or two before your Session, you and the moderator will be provided a link to join our “Green Room.”  Please join the room 30 minutes before the scheduled start of your session for a final check of your equipment, your presentation, and to make sure screen sharing is working correctly.  If you haven’t done so previously, please provide a couple of questions for the moderator to ask if the attendees do not have any.  In the “Green Room”, you will also be given a unique presenter link to access your Session.  Both you and the moderator must use this link to enter your Session, NOT the public link on the Agenda.

  8. When you enter your Session, there will be technical support waiting there to further assist you and to start your Session.  If there are any technical difficulties during the Session, you will be able to communicate directly with them and they will assist you.  Those presenters who will not have tech support in their session, will be notified in January and we will make other arrangements for assistance, if needed.

Virtual Speakers Checklist

If you need some assistance with your equipment (need to borrow a webcam, etc.), please use our Speaker Equipment Check Out Request Form (xlsx spreadsheet)

  1. Webcam with microphone/1080p video
  2. Proper lighting (lighting coming from in front of you so your face is fully lit)
  3. Presentation Background - We will be providing you with a CUPA background to save to your computer and set in Zoom video.  We will test this with you to make sure it works well on your presentation computer.  If you don't use the CUPA background, please make sure to have a simple background in your room.

Webinar Panelist Tips (More Tips Coming Soon)

  1. Getting Ready
  2. 13 Zoom Presentation Tips to Ace Your Next Online Meeting
  3. Virtual Conference Speaker Tips
  4. Train the Trainer (November 17-19) Training Videos - Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3


2021-01-19 PRESENTATION TIP FOLLOW UP - A note about an issue I had with my presentation display at our 1-19-2021 speaker training.  To tell your computer which monitor to display your presentation, open PowerPoint, click the "Slideshow" tab, Locate the "Monitors" group and uncheck the "Presenter View" and within the "Monitors" group, click the "Monitor" dropdown menu > Select the specific monitor on which the slideshow should display. (The default option reads "Automatic.")  

If you have any questions, please send them to (tech questions) or to or call us a 530-676-0815 for all other types of questions.